It’s harder than ever to fill the pews every Sunday and get people involved with church events and activities. If you want to engage your existing congregation and bring in new people, then you need to invest in church marketing.

A smart marketing plan can not only help with new members but also help improve giving. Many churches don’t like the idea of marketing, but in today’s online world, good marketing ideas are the only way to grow and thrive.

If you’re tired of empty pews in your church and want to engage a younger audience, then check out these marketing ideas.

Church Marketing Starts Online

Do you have a Facebook page? People are online and on social media every day. If it’s something important to them, then they’ll check the page regularly. Create a Facebook page and encourage your church congregation to follow it.

Post service times, special events, and other information on it. The more often you post the more likely you are to be seen in their feed. This can not only help with filling pews, but also increase revenue. You need the right financial software to handle the additional money and can find it at

Develop Events for the Community

The key to growing your church is to get new people to visit. If you develop events that the community is interested in, then they’ll come and might want to visit your church. Events such as Easter Egg Hunts, Trunk or Treats, and other events aimed at children are some great examples.

It allows people to see you active in the community and shows off your church. Encourage people to come on Sunday and promote other events such as Youth Group and Sunday School.

Create Email Newsletters to Keep People Engaged

There are email marketing programs that allow you to easily create regularly emailed newsletters and send them to your congregation. The email could include Bible verses, events, and even a preview of the next sermon.

Many email marketing programs allow people to create free newsletters up to a certain amount. When you have events, encourage people to give their email address and you can send them the newsletter.

A Church App Makes Things Easier

It’s often hard to promote events and have an idea of how many people are coming. You can have a signup chart at the back of the church, but many forget to sign it. A church app lets people see the event and signup for it right from their phone.

It allows people to get notifications of events and activities and they have everything they need right from their cell phone.

Traditional and Online Paid Advertising

Paid advertising may cost money, but the return on your investment may be worth it. You have traditional paid advertising such as newspapers and radio, but there’s also online advertising such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

Determine which ones would be the best for your church and start small until you have it figured out.

Get People in Pews

With so much to do, it’s not easy filling the pews on Sunday. Church marketing helps you attract anew generation of parishioners and keep the ones you have.

If you want to learn more about marketing for churches, then please explore our site.