Dog’ is your family’s best friend, but still, they are animals and can bite when being rude.
While some injuries are superficial, some involve deep structures between the skin, bones, nerves and blood vessels. As per stats, one out of every five children is affected by dog bites. For a victim, a dog bite is just the start of problems that the person has to face afterward. Depending on the circumstances and severity of the injury, a dog bite can lead to:
Long-term physical complications: although you would receive treatment right after the bite, you can expect some infection after few months. The pain can be last for many days. There’s also a Dog Bite Attorney in West Covina if the victim needs any help.
But since you have vaccine your pet regularly, so how did you get the complications?
Dog’s teeth are filled with bacteria, and if those bacteria get caught in your family member’s wound, it can evoke severe chronic disease like rabies. Some patients may also have emotional or physical issues, some of them include post-traumatic stress disorder, flashbacks, nightmares, depression.
Healthy dogs also carry so many germs and infections like sepsis in their mouth. Later people develop a disease which if left untreated can give rise to many chronic diseases.
Scars affect patients mostly in five areas:
Acceptability of the patient and others: Dog scars, especially in visible areas of the body may have adverse effects on person’s life. It becomes hard for the patient to accept the mark. Some researchers from NIH have researched that laceration at visible areas of the body increases anxiety and self-consciousness.
Confidence: A scar can make any person feel embraced, or the patient may lose its confidence. Some people may feel angry or perhaps isolate them from the society.
Emotional well being: since the patient will lose its self-confidence, he may become depressed or can have become a witness to mental illness. Their behavior may include:
Avoiding all dogs
Refusing to come close to any dog
Refusal in leaving the house
Physical comfort and functioning: The person may start feeling pain or may have facial anxiety.
The victim may have permanent and need to treat with limb amputated. However, in many cases, surgery can make the patient’s appearance better.
Some extended damages form a dog bite:
The most common damages perhaps include large medical bills, cosmetic surgery, psychological counseling, physical pain, or permanent scarring.
So, if you or your family member get dog bite, it would be best to claim against the dog’s owner. There are some Dog Bite Attorney in West Covina who keep an eye on such things. Just file a report with your city’s country authorities and ask for your claim.
Emotional concerns:
Although, the victim gets treated with physical therapy, seeing marks become an emotional trauma. It is seen that adults and small children might have post-traumatic stress; however, adults may severely experience the trauma.