Metrics are like a mirror of your website’s performance. Analyzing them will let you see all of your website perfections and flaws. It’s good to continually observe them because if you neglect their importance, it won’t be possible to develop your site effectively.

Positioning your page, so that it is at the top of the search results is essential, but if you draw proper conclusions from the metrics, that is a straight way for your website success. When you know all the details, it’s easier to find out what parts of the site are user-unfriendly, and need improvement, and what’s making customers stay on your page.

Tools like Rankitor rank monitor allows you to observe, analyze and improve your website performance. In this article, you’ll find out what are the metrics of your webpage that you should pay special attention.

Organic Traffic

The more, the better. According to BrightEdge organic traffic generates over half of B2B and B2C visitors, while paid search and social media only drive 10% and 5%. That means you don’t have to pay for advertisements if your page is doing great, because organic search gives you the most revenue, no matter what your industry is.

When people visit your webpage, they have specific intents. If you can provide visitors with solutions or answers to their questions, it’s more probable that they’ll convert.

Conversion Rate

It is a metric that tells you how successful is your webpage. Rate of conversion is showing you how many people achieved their goal on your website. A goal might be purchasing the product, filling out a contact form, but also viewing a specific page.

When your website’s conversion rate is low, it indicates that your site doesn’t provide visitors with the answer or solution to their problem. It can also mean that you’re attracting the wrong type of audience.

Exit Pages

People often confuse this metric with a bounce rate. “Exit” is a term used to describe a situation when a visitor views multiple pages but eventually decides to leave your site. Some pages have naturally high exit rate, such as Thank you page after filling out the form, but if there are more pages with a high number of “exits” that indicates there’s a problem.

If you notice anything like that happens, you might want to take a look at these pages to determine what makes people leave them.

Bounce Rate

A “bounce” happens when a visitor comes to your website but then decides to leave without any interactions at all. It might be a sign that the visitor wasn’t able to find the information or answer to the problem, so he decided to leave.

Unfortunately, getting your “bounce” rate to zero is impossible; however, it should be a signal for you, that something is wrong when this metric is too high. Make sure that once you know the page that needs improvement, you do everything to reduce the “bounce” rate.

It often happens that people decide to leave because the page is loading too slow, or there’s an error. Make sure you avoid it, and always provide the best and quality content.

Visitors Interactions

You want to have as many interactions as possible – comments, sharing, moving to the other pages etc. Monitoring this metric helps you to understand what you should do to encourage visitors to purchase.

When you see that visitor spends more time looking at specific content, you can say he’s interested in certain areas, and that’s valuable information for you. Also, the pages with more interactions are more likely to generate leads.

Session Duration

When you have a long average session duration time, you should be happy and proud. Google tend to “reward” pages with longer session duration, and rank them higher because it’s a sign for the search engine, that content on the page has to be useful when people spend there more time.

On the other hand, sometimes this factor might indicate that your page is not clear enough – visitor see that the content is of high quality, but he struggles to find the information that he’s looking for. In order to avoid this problem, analyze the pages, and if you think they’re not clear enough – simplify them.

Users Demographics & Interests

When you want to sell a specific product or service, you have to know as much as possible about your potential customers. It is valid for every business. This metric provides you with useful information such as age, gender and the interests of your website visitors which they reveal when they’re surfing on the internet.

In order to benefit the most from your webpage, it has to work flawlessly and provide all the information and solutions that potential customer might be looking for. Monitor and pay attention to the metrics concluded above, and your website will perform just great!