The worst thing to do is walk into a meeting unprepared. Even worse, is when business owners or would-be business owners find themselves going into meetings with consultants unprepared, hoping to save money but also get the most of their experience.

On the surface, it makes sense. Consultants are supposed to be experts that answer questions and help guide business owners over the pitfalls that other business owners make that can destroy their business.  

The problem lies in that consultants are like guides. For a guide to help put you in the right direction, it’s important to know what direction you want to be headed.

Many go into a meeting with a consultant with an idea of what they want, but often realize they had no idea upon further examination.  In this guide, we will briefly go over five critical questions to ask yourself before meeting with an Amazon consulting business.

  1. Am I ready for an Amazon FBA Business?
  2. Do I have an idea of my target audience?
  3. Do I have a plan for many of the common problems online?
  4. Am I coming prepared with questions I can’t easily find the answer to?
  5. Does this amazon consulting business have the experience I need?

Am I ready for an Amazon FBA Business?

Amazon FBA business requires hard work and careful research as well as a fair amount of money to get started. There will be long hours, constant phone calls, email responses, and what will seem like endless amounts of going over your sales processes and every detail of your product.  Before you get involved, really understand the undertaking you are getting into.

Do I have an idea of my target audience?

Have you researched who your target audience within your niche will be? Do you know what separates your products/business from competitors within Amazon and beyond? Will it be easy for others to steal/copy your products or business plan? Do you know how you will accrue traffic? These questions will let you get a few ideas of how your business will essentially make sales and will give your consultant something to work with.

Do I have a plan for many of the common problems sellers deal with?

In every niche and every industry regardless of with Amazon or with any other form of e-commerce or import/export, it’s important to be aware of what works and what doesn’t work.  Spending time researching many of the top ten problems starting out and then the growing pains of scaling a business can help you pinpoint any unique problems your business model will have, and you can discuss with your consultant how you can work around them potentially.

Am I coming prepared with questions I can’t easily find the answer to?

Your consultant’s time is valuable, and so is yours. Don’t waste time asking questions that you can easily find the answers to unless you are looking for further clarification and if so, it’s better to be specific about your business.

Does this amazon consulting business have the experience I need?

Most importantly, ask yourself if the business you are looking to use as consultants have the experience within your niche or within Amazon FBA period to help you, as it can prevent a lot of disappointment and frustration.

Discuss their experience with them, do your due diligence, and it will save you time and money.