Is Cloud Storage Secure ?


Is Cloud Storage Secure

Before start using any kind of cloud storage service you need to make certain that this service is provide with the finest| security level you want for your data.

Just about all top cloud storage providers make use of 256 AES encryption which just like what your bank use to protect your bank account and money, the encryption process is encoding data and scrambled into unique character types that nobody can read, only authorized or security password key that will remove this encoding and make the data readable, in another word if a hacker think to brute-forcing of 256 AES encryption it will take them around (2.1e10) years to break half of the encrypted data. Yes this equivalent around 100e million time of the universe age.

During our review of best cloud storage most of providers use 2 or 3 level of encrypted data on all data upload using SSL encryption (HTTPs) and your data will be stored encrypted on their servers therefore no one can ever break in to it.

Most Cloud Storage Service use 256 AES encryption to secure your data

Other important factor of data security Is where your data will be stored? How the cloud storage provider will deal with any argent like earthquake or server crash or failure.

Best Cloud storage will provide full backup of your data in multiple datacenters location, also for any server failure or crash most cloud storage run redundancy backup which is normally duplication of critical parts of the cloud server so this will guarantee full increasing of stability for any system failure, its like safety backup for any emergency.

Best data-center in the world is Amazon web service (AWS) the cloud storage called Amazon S3 and Amazon Lacier which has more than 12 locations worldwide and they investment heavily in infrastructure and highest standard of data security, well known services use Amazon AWS like Zoolz, IDrive, Justcloud, AWS is service you will definitely trust..