In 2005, Payoneer was founded as a financial service firm that allows businesses to make and receive domestic and international payments. It also handles working capital and allows users to keep track of their account balance, transaction history, and transaction fees. Payoneer is a global company supporting more than 200 countries and 150 currencies. Although it is not an all-in-one digital payment like PayPal or Square, it is a legitimate platform with many satisfied members. Payoneer is safe for transferring money online as numerous users have positively reviewed it. All the payments you make through the site are secure and audited by the most trusted financial regulators in the world. It is also trustworthy because of the encryption and customer protection features. The company has partnered with well-known organizations, including Adobe. Despite being legit, data breaches may occur, so you need to know how to keep your account safe. Let’s look at a few guidelines. 

Log Out of your Account

Do not forget to log out of your online account. Logging out ensures your payment systems are not accessible if your device is stolen or hacked.

Do not click on Phishing Emails

Cybercriminals attempt phishing by posing as legitimate entities in email messages to obtain sensitive personal information. They may steal your account passwords, credit card details, or other confidential data. Therefore, you need to avoid clicking on emails that you think have come from Payoneer as they may not be them. Be mindful of emails that ask for your password. Payoneer cannot ask for your username or password over email or chat.

Create a Unique Password

Another tip to help secure your account is creating a unique and strong password when subscribing to an online service. Doing this will prevent hackers from using credential stuffing to access your other accounts.

Never Share your Passwords

Your passwords should be private, so do not tell people about them. Never give anyone your login credentials, even if someone poses as a trusted figure. If you want to change your password, you can do so on the Payoneer official website.

Check Account Balance Frequently

Suppose you shared your login credentials with someone or accessed your account through another person’s device, but you did not log out or change your password. The person may start withdrawing small amounts of cash from your account without your knowledge. So, you need to check your balance from time to time.

Secure your Devices

Protecting your computers or mobile phones from unwanted access is crucial. You can lock your device with a passcode or avoid installing root applications with malicious software that can expose your data.

Use Payoneer on Trusted Platforms

You can use Payoneer on multiple sites, including Upwork, to get payments. To protect your account, ensure the site offers encrypted connections and is safe.

Avoid Public Networks

Public spaces, including meeting halls, restaurants, and hotels, provide Free Wi-Fi. These networks do not use top-notch encryption technology, making it easier for hackers using the same network to attack vulnerable devices.


Everyone wants a service they can trust with their personal and financial information. Payoneer is a safe, reliable, and trustworthy site that guarantees legitimate transactions. The service extends to various countries worldwide, so you can send or receive cash from anywhere.