Colors play a significant role in people’s lives. Notice how you feel full of energy and ready for action when you wake up on a sunny morning, whereas gloomy clouds make you feel lazy and sleepy. Although we don’t usually think about it, colors have a strong impact on how we perceive the world.

Knowing the psychology of colors can make your business website more effective and eye appealing. Using the right color will often result in an action which you want to achieve. That’s why you should think twice before you pick a color scheme. Down below, you’ll find out how to design color schemes on your webpage, which will not only make it eye-appealing but also more efficient.

First impression Importance

Every time you open a new webpage, you’re able to tell whether you like it or not immediately. That’s right, at the beginning we pay the most attention to website design and color scheme, and we are not even conscious about it. You surely know that first impressions are often decisive. Choosing the right colors will increase the chance that potential customers stay on your webpage for longer, read your content, and check out products or services which you offer.

That’s the reason why so many companies decide to hire a professional user experience designer. If you’re not on a budget, you can also do it, but don’t worry if you can’t afford it. There is a lot of information and courses on the Internet, which will allow you to understand the essentials of UX. If you want to learn more about it, visit Career Foundry and gain the necessary skills to make your webpage outstanding.

Choosing the Main Color

Before you even start thinking about choosing a dominant color, there’s one more thing which you should do. Read and learn more about the psychology of color. It’s not going to take you much time, and it’s absolutely necessary in order to choose the right color for your company.


Notice how certain brands usually choose similar colors. Let’s take a look at the blue color. It’s most commonly used by technology companies and banks. Twitter, Facebook, HP, PayPal, Dell or Facebook are just a few of many examples. Some people think it’s a coincidence, but it’s definitely not. These companies know that blue creates a sense of security and trust. That’s why they decided to create logos where the dominant color is blue. Red, on the other hand, creates an urgency to buy and trigger strong emotions. That’s why Coca Cola, H&M or Target use it.

Now that you know about it, think about the color that will fit the best to your company’s website. Keep in mind that every color triggers specific emotion, and you have to know how to use it to your advantage.


This factor is not always critical, but most companies offer services or products to a specific gender. If your company targets a particular gender, remember about it, because women have different color preferences than men. If your product or service is designed for men, blue is their favourite color, and if your products are designed for women, then your website shouldn’t contain orange, brown or grey colors.


It’s a factor that many people overlook, and it’s a big mistake. Scientists found out that color preferences change with age. So, think about your potential customers, and ask yourself a question – what is their age on average? If it’s possible to determine it, then you should go with a specific age group favorite color as it’ll likely increase the sales.

Additional Colors

Choosing a website’s dominant color is crucial, but let’s be honest, your website wouldn’t be clear and easy to read if it was all blue or yellow only. That’s why you have to think about how many colors you should add. It’s not an easy thing to do, and the longer you think about it, the more difficult it becomes.

Luckily for you, there’s something called 60-30-10 rule. It’s one of the classic decoration rules, and it helps to choose a space color palette. Applying this rule to website design is a good idea. According to this principle, 60% of website space should be a dominant color, 30% secondary color, and the last 10% would be an accent.

Experiment and don’t feel Limited

Choosing a website color scheme is not an easy process. Besides, you might not like the outcome that much. That’s why you have to keep experimenting until you can say “this is it”. Keep playing with colors, and create more variants. Once you have a few projects, compare them. Also, it’s a good idea to present them to your colleagues or friends, and ask for their opinions and feedback. They’ll help you to determine what works, and which option is a no. Once you choose the two best color schemes, go with the one which better fits your company image.It’s not as easy as it seems to come up with the perfect color scheme for your website. The more you think about it, the harder it is. That’s why you should make your life easier and use the tips and factors covered in this article.