Healthcare is one of the most important and most developed industries in the US. The country has a huge number of general clinics, specialized institutes, and hospitals, owned by both municipalities and licensed private entrepreneurs. In recent years, home health care agencies have gained immense popularity, and our company is one of such institutions that provide primary, secondary, and tertiary care to people in need at home. Organizations that provide services to sick people are called healthcare providers, and it can be very difficult for people to choose a quality service for comfort and health.

Who are Individual healthcare providers?

Along with the usual institutions for targeted and general health care, almost all existing types of individual care for patients at home are also common in the United States. This type of service is provided by the following categories of specialists:

·  A certified general or specialty doctor with sufficient experience in the field of health care, as well as completed advanced training courses from accredited training centers.

·  A legal entity that has a staff of qualified specialists that meet all the requirements of the state, as well as the necessary certificates and licenses.

·   The auxiliary staff of clinics who have sufficient skills, but are not a doctor and don’t have a full medical education. These providers include nurses for the seniors, critically ill, and palliative care professionals.

·   Any other specialist who has a special state-issued certificate and has certain skills in helping patients at home.

Not every certified doctor or other healthcare professional can provide this type of service, as he must have a certificate of compliance with federal requirements, as well as pass special certification.

What do healthcare providers do?

Accredited and legally operating healthcare providers introduce the following types of medical and other related services to the citizens:

· Admission of a patient to a general practitioner (GP).

· Carrying out examinations of the patient’s health status, making an accurate diagnosis.

· Counseling the patient, offering the most effective treatment program.

· Appointment and conduct of planned surgical intervention to prevent serious consequences.

· Providing emergency medical care in case of a sharp deterioration in health, injury, or other force majeure situations.

· Providing the necessary conditions for the fast rehabilitation of the patient after a surgical operation.

· Provision of services for intensive care of the patient to maintain the normal performance of his body.

· Caring for seriously ill children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, with cerebral palsy or ASD.

·  Palliative care for the age categories of the population, or patients in the terminal stage of cancer.

·  Providing psychological assistance to patients who have undergone serious shocks to restore their mental function.

Thus, we can conclude that not every type of assistance provided by healthcare professionals requires mandatory visits to medical organizations or hospitals. Many types of services can be provided at home, allowing the patient to relax, feel comfortable and recover faster after an emergency or stressful situation.

How to choose a reliable healthcare provider?

Choosing a reliable provider of services to care for a sick person at home or in a hospital is very difficult. In order not to make a mistake in the choice, it is necessary to take into account many important nuances:

·  The organization has the necessary certificates and licenses.

·  The staff of a company providing home care services.

·  Availability of general and narrow specialists.

·  Availability of the necessary equipment in the company to help people in need.

·  Availability of nurses and other support staff in the company.

·  Year of the foundation of the company providing healthcare services.

·  Rating of the organization in the list of reliable health care providers.

·   The presence of positive feedback from satisfied customers on independent forums on the Internet.

·   Availability of 24/7 service, is especially important for people whose health and life support constantly require intensive therapy or emergency measures in case of deterioration of health.

·  The provider proposes to prescribe a comprehensive diagnosis of the body with the involvement of related specialists to monitor health and timely prevent the development of dangerous pathologies.

· For Americans, the most important criterion is the presence of the selected organization in the insurance policy, as well as the possibility of coverage of the services provided by the insurer.

Our company All American Health Care has been operating in the market for the services in question for a long time and meets all the above requirements. We are included by many insurance companies among the best providers of healthcare services. Our qualified specialists are always ready to help and provide high-quality home care to the sick, children, or the elderly, regardless of the complexity of their pathologies and the diagnosis.

Scheme of interaction between a healthcare provider and a patient

All institutions or companies providing home healthcare automation services offer assistance to each patient in strict accordance with the following algorithm:

1. Primary Care:

·   Meeting with the patient at home or in a medical facility.

·   Primary diagnosis of the patient.

·   Examination by a general practitioner.

·   Making a primary diagnosis.

·   Patient registration, creation, and filling of a medical record card.

·  Issuing referrals for tests or special examinations, if any pathologies are suspected.

·  In the event of serious pathologies or injuries as a result of any incident, the provision of emergency assistance, in the form of intensive care, the appointment of potent drugs, urgent surgical intervention.

2. Secondary care:

·  Examination of the patient in the laboratory.

·  Performing tomography, taking tests, X-ray examination, ultrasound, and other types of tests.

·   Studying test results.

·   Meeting with narrow profile doctors.

·   Making a final diagnosis.

· Carrying out intensive therapy.

·  Secondary consultation of the patient.

·  Drawing up an effective treatment program.

·  Appointment of medical preparations for maintenance of health in a satisfactory condition.

·   If necessary, referral for elective surgery, chemotherapy, or other types of major interventions.

3. Tertiary care:

· Carrying out a planned operation.

·  Observation of the patient in the postoperative period after surgery or chemotherapy.

·  Assistance during the rehabilitation period in the hospital or at home.

·  Maintaining a satisfactory state of health or creating comfortable conditions in case of serious pathologies for a period of long-term remission of the human body.

·  Care for the elderly, or children with serious pathologies and incurable diseases in special institutions, hospices, or at home, with the necessary equipment and sufficient space.

·  Provision of palliative cares for patients at the final stages of the life cycle, in the presence of irreversible pathologies.

·  Providing psychological assistance to each patient, regardless of age, health status, and type of mental disorder.

Our company offers each customer a full range of services described above. The qualification of our doctors and support staff eliminates the need to apply to related organizations, which greatly simplifies the interaction of the patient or his relatives with our organization, and also reduces time and financial costs.

Structure of a standard healthcare provider

All authorized services that offer comprehensive healthcare services have the following structure and departments to provide quality and timely assistance:

·  Administrative staff – management, accounting, the department for working with insurance companies and other categories of office staff, which ensure accurate coordination of all specialists, select highly qualified doctors, draw up a work plan, resolve financial issues, purchase equipment, medicines, and other means to provide planned or emergency care for patients.

·  Information staff – specialists of call centers who receive and process incoming applications from potential customers, conduct an initial consultation, decide on the direction of doctors for first aid, and regulate the employment of each specialist who is on call. This service is usually available 24/7, which indicates a high quality of company in general.

·  Outpatient and inpatient services. These services include examination of patients inside a medical institution, hospitalization of the patient. Depending on the diagnosis, a person is provided with therapeutic or surgical care, as well as tests, and, as a result, intensive treatment.

·  Allied health services. Most often, such services include comprehensive rehabilitation of the patient, assistance in restoring the body, or maintaining the health status and quality of life of the elderly. When providing these services, special nurses are involved who help the patient learn to walk again, feed them and provide sanitary and hygienic care for a period of temporary or permanent disability.

·  Support services. This type of care implies comprehensive care of the patient with the provision of life-saving medicines, food, psychological support, and the maintenance of the normal functioning of the body. This category of services is provided both in the hospice and at home, depending on the wishes of the patient or his relatives.

Our All American Home Care service provides all types of these services, from initial telephone consultations by our operators to support for patients in hospices. We treat every patient with love and care. If necessary, our company has a staff of qualified psychologists who will support the level of mental state, relieve stress, and help to enjoy the colors of life again, even for those patients who are on intensive palliative care.