You sail for the first time and think about what you should take with you on the boat and what not? Read our advice and tips, so you do not forget anything important. Of course, if you have sailed a few times, you have your checklist ready and you do not need that overview. However, you can make sure with our checklist that you will not forget anything this year.

Before sailing

At the time of boat takeover, you will have your copies of the documents you have already sent to the charter companies (crew list, booking confirmation, insurance) and certainly do not forget your valid captain license and for Croatia also a valid radio license.

Packing lists at a glance

In general: On a boat, there is only limited storage space. Therefore, it is advisable to limit yourself to a few practical clothes to avoid chaos. Instead of suitcases, take a foldable bag with you, as it can be stowed away better.

In most boats, there is a blanket and a pillow per person, pay attention to the exact tender. Bring of bed linen or sleeping bag is advisable.


  • Valid identity card or passport
  • Visa, if required
  • international health insurance
  • vaccination certificate
  • Credit card, debit card, cash
  • sailing license
  • nautical book
  • Driver’s license (renting a car or scooter ashore)
  • Copy of the pass if lost


  • Slippers (tread-resistant and with a light sole, which does not rub off, dries quickly)
  • Shoes for landings
  • slippers
  • sunglasses
  • sun cap
  • swimwear
  • Wind/rain jacket
  • Long pants that dry quickly (sailing pants)
  • Warm sweater or fleece jacket
  • T-Shirts
  • Shorts
  • Comfortable pants (sweatpants)
  • socks
  • underwear
  • pajamas
  • Sailing or cycling gloves to prevent injuries when operating the pods

Hygiene items / Health

  • toiletry
  • Personal medication
  • Spare glasses/contact lenses with care products
  • hand washing
  • Quick-drying towels, for example, made of microfiber
  • Sunscreen (no oil due to slipping on deck)
  • mosquito repellent
  • disinfectant
  • Medicines for travel sickness (travel bubble gums, ginger preparations, acupressure tapes)
  • Diarrheal agents
  • Painkillers
  • plaster


  • camera
  • insulated tumbler with straw
  • flashlight
  • pocket knife
  • Plastic bag for dirty laundry
  • Bag for shore excursions
  • sewing kit
  • Fins, snorkels, diving or swimming goggles
  • Dishtowels
  • Books, music
  • Chargers with an adapter for technical devices
  • Earplugs if someone snores
  • Suction hook for more order in the cabin
  • clothespins
  • games

For the cruise


The cruise itself is for most a seaside holiday, so you should pack your suitcase accordingly. But keep in mind that you spend most of your time on the boat and the storage space on the boat is often limited. Also, after the first trip, you will find that half the clothes you have packed for your first cruise are enough.

So swimsuits are necessary, then do not forget the summer clothes and shoes, because the deck is not always ideal for barefoot running due to the influence of temperature and smoothness. The boots should have bright sole to leave no marks on the ship’s laminate and not slip. Such shoes are versatile for the summer.
At the same time, keep in mind that the weather is not always sunny and sometimes it is rainy or windy. A waterproof jacket and cap can, therefore, also be included. A headgear will also be useful for sunny weather.

If you get sunburned on the first or second day by the sea (it often happens), then you will appreciate a light long sleeve shirt that will not sweat you and protect you from sunburn.
What you certainly should not forget is a pair of sunglasses, The sun on the sea is intense and the surface of the water reflects the rays of the sun and if you do not protect your eyes, you will regret it. It is convenient to attach the sunglasses to a cord around your neck, so you do not lose them in the wind or on board.


It depends on how often you want to anchor in marinas and coastal cities. In general, you can recommend the foods you cook quickly, and ideally, for the entire crew. How about spaghetti? But do not think that you only boil them in saltwater. It is necessary to add unsalted water to three parts.
It is helpful to prepare at least one main meal plan before traveling and possibly a spare meal plan for cooking when anchoring is not possible and you need to improvise.
In any case, you should buy the water for the entire duration of the journey before traveling to the marina. They have a car there and can, therefore, drive purchase as the whole to the boat. Expect at least 1 liter of water per person per day. For eight people per week, there are 56 liters of water, so 37 plastic bottles of 1.5 liters. You certainly will not want to carry the water from small island shops to the boat and where you have to pay twice as much.


You’ll probably make some cash with you; it depends on how often you want to stop in inhabited areas and use restaurants on the coast and in the cities, of course, we can recommend it. It’s also great to buy some fresh supplies in the morning – fresh seafood or local fruits and vegetables can certainly be useful.
In Croatia, you will not make a mistake with the dollar, and besides, you will undoubtedly find in each marina an ATM where you can withdraw the local currency. When picking up the local currency at ATMs, select the variant on withdrawal –   without a fixed currency conversion. The course is always better, even by 10%.

On the boat

Ideally, you will enjoy sailing on the boat and next to the swimwear and sunglasses, you will not need much. You can also make anchoring more comfortable with essential scuba gear – scuba swimming goggles, fins and snorkels. You will find that it is often exciting under the water surface. Binoculars are commonly used in boat equipment, but it does not always have the ideal parameters and condition. If you have one, do not forget to take it with you, where else than on the boat, can you use it so much?

First aid equipment

It is certainly good to take a basic medical kit. If you take medications regularly or if you are allergic, you will not forget them. The medicines that are among the leading health problems, such as – fever, sunstroke, diarrhea, or seasickness – will undoubtedly be useful as well. When anchoring, you sometimes come across the mosquitoes, so some sailors would ever be forced to change the bay. It is not always right, so be sure to take the mosquito repellent. The equipment should not be missing the sunscreen with a high protection factor (at least 20) and protective lip care.


We also have some tips that are not essential, but staying aboard will make it easier for you.

There is a 12V socket on the boat (lighter as in the car), so it is advisable to have a 220V inverter or a car charger USB. However, you should charge your device mainly during the boat motor run and in the marinas. Otherwise, you can quickly “emptying” the boat engine battery.

Flashlight or headlamp

A basic torch kit also includes a flashlight, but you cannot always rely on it to function correctly. In case of minor repairs, night sailing, or running to the mainland and back, it is beneficial and useful to have such a light.


You may take (even your used) bicycle gloves without fingers – when working with the ropes, your hands are adequately stressed, so you will undoubtedly be glad to have them with you!

Waterproof bags

Water is everywhere around the boat and occasionally, there is water on the boat. An unfastened window when the boat is tilted or big waves make mischief and there is nothing simpler than to keep the technical devices such as a phone in a waterproof sheath.


Believe us that you will inevitably dry your clothes or towels on board, and if you can make sure that you bring them home, you will be glad.

Ship stations

Do you have a walkie-talkie at home? It is also useful on board. For example, if you travel by car to communicate with each other, make trips to stops.And what else can we recommend to you? For more fun on the water and underwater, you can rent an inflatable paddleboard or sub-wing.