If only we could have a tiny Kris Jenner perched on our shoulders at all times, feeding us insider info on becoming social media superstars.

Navigating social media as a business is confusing and tricky at best. This confusing trickiness leads to a lot of companies avoiding or neglecting it.

They end up missing out on a seriously powerful marketing avenue. But how are us Jenner-Less types supposed to grow an empire? Sloooowww down Pessimistic McGee. 

Alas, for those of us nor apart of the Kardashian-Jenner-West-Disick-Scott-Chyna clan, we have to get by on our know-how. Luckily, I’m here to help you know how.

Here’s how to build a social media following that will have any mogul momager squealing, you’re doing amazing, Sweetie

1. Know Your Audience 

Your social media presence is a business, and your business is the product. But you can’t effectively sell a product if you have no clue who you’re selling to. Ask yourself some questions about your audience.

  • What are their ages?
  • What are their pain points?
  • What type of content are they consuming? 
  • What are their common interests?
  • What type of language do they use?

2. Pre-Plan

Plan your strategy and track social media trends. Social media is one big competition, and if you want to beat that competition, you have to have a winning plan. An insightful and well-researched social media strategy will give you a concrete, scientific formula for dominating social media–you won’t get by on luck and instincts alone!

3. Learn How to Build a Relationship with Your Social Media Following 

If Beyonce told me to wear shoulder pads for the rest of my life, I may or may not consider it.

Never underestimate the power of devoted fandoms. Engage and interact with your followers to build trust and loyalty between you and potential consumers. Your openness, friendliness, and overall personality will draw people in for the long-haul. Chrissy Teigen grew most of her career through funny and relatable tweets alone. 

4. Keep Track of Your Successes

Which of your posts had the most activity and reach in the last month?

Find out and make a note of specific elements of those posts. Apply those elements to next month’s posts to see a boost in engagement rates and follows. Bonus: You’ll save valuable time and effort by producing content that your audience wants.   

5. Hashtag Rejuvenation 

The more your audience grows, the more critical it becomes to update your hashtags. 

You want to be competing for top place for the tags in your range of audience. Try to choose the hashtags with the least competition in your audience range. Those’ll be the easy hashtags for your business to conquer completely. Visibility is key. 

How to Build a Social Media Following That Lasts

Learning how to build a social media following doesn’t have to be an overwhelming epic quest. There are many tools helpful to use out there, and time to learn. It’s a doable trial and error process. You just have to have the motivation, determination, and strategy to grow your business. 

And there’s no time like the present!