Writing articles for your products and services help generate information for people, especially for potential customers. However, if you want your articles to reach a wider audience, you need to apply keyword research on every article you publish. It is crucial to use the right SEO keywords because it is the key to compelling content. It will help your content appear on the top search results when people search related keywords. Besides, it enables you to increase conversion rate, bring qualified leads, and generate revenue for your website. Below are the helpful tips in writing SEO articles with keywords.

1. Decide on the Keywords to Use

You need to complete the initial keyword research stage and make a list of keywords you are interested in using. From there, choose one that stands out among the rest. You can rank the keywords in a keyword tool to check its competitiveness and if it is still not available on the website of other companies.

2. Put Keywords on Meta Description

It is one of the most common ways to add keyword research for SEO purposes of the article. The meta description is the simple summary that describes your content, so adding keywords to it will help the search engines to filter your result. You should also put powerful keywords attached to the part of your page that is served up directly by search engines. Remember to use the keyword only once in the meta description and prioritise, making an enticing description for your content.

3. Insert Keywords in the Article Title

It is essential to put the keyword research on the title of your content. Keep in mind that the search engines pair the meta description with your title header to identify what your content is about. It is beneficial when you naturally input keywords on the title as it boosts the SEO capacity of the title itself. Aside from that, the article title is based on search engine results, so it means that you really need to put keywords in it.

4. Use Keywords in the First 200 Words

It is essential to write a catchy introduction in your article, but you need to make sure that the keyword research is included in your content’s first 200 words. The reason behind this is that search engines give more weight to the first 200 words of every article, and this is the part where writers set up the introduction of the things that will be discussed in the article.

5. Mention Keywords in the Body at Least 4-5 Times

It is essential that your keyword research blends in the body of your content naturally. Hence, it would be best if you used ‘stop words’ from connecting the keywords to phrases naturally without affecting its ranking value. Moreover, you can insert keywords in every paragraph to distribute it in the overall article content and equally add SEO improvements.

Read More: 5 SEO Optimization Tips to Help Boost Your Traffic

6. Use Keywords in the Last 200 Words

Like the introduction, it is crucial to put your keyword research in the conclusion part of your content. It is vital because it sets the article’s framework, and it is a good practice for a call to action. It helps the audience remember your keyword because you keep mentioning it from the start-up to the paragraph’s end.

Remember that producing articles with excellent SEO content is essential for any website that wants to establish an online presence. It is the best method to encourage people to visit your site and increase your revenue. Besides, you should know the importance of good web design to ensure your website’s success.