In this day and age, hiding behind a firewall and anti-virus protection doesn’t cut it.

Cyberthreats are getting ever more sophisticated. Sitting idle and hoping for the best is perhaps the most perilous thing you can do. The proper response is to step up your cybersecurity game and deploy smart protection measures.

That’s precisely where managed endpoint security comes into play.

This solution refers to processes and protocols for granting or denying network access. It keeps track of individual devices that are called endpoints. You can think of these elements as any electronic assets connected to your business network.

This novelty approach represents one small facet of overall IT security strategy, but an important one at that. It lets you stay on the safe side while going about day-to-day tasks and stalking long-term goals.

Here is why you need such a superior threat detection and handling in order to navigate the digital landscape of today.

Weakest Links in the Digital Chain

Businesses across industry sectors are migrating toward safer waters— endpoint security solutions.

After all, there are numerous network access points that regularly transmit and receive data. They attract a slew of potential threats looking to exploit weaknesses.

How did we get here?

Well, you can “blame” digitization for giving rise to the complex business environments of today. It enticed companies to employ Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies. They introduced smartphones, laptops, desktop computers, IoT, etc.

While these tools possess immense value, they can also create security loopholes. Some of the most common risks here are data thefts and breaches, as well as unauthorized access, ransomware, and malware.

The good news is endpoint security is here to keep them at bay and save the day.

It forms the basis for observing how and why devices attempt to access the business network. Moreover, it allows us to make the most of existing knowledge, technologies, and human resources.

All Systems Go

In practice, managed endpoint security restricts network access.

It does this with a system of authorization and validation of devices, as well as and various administrative controls. They protect both your network and hardware assets.  

As such, endpoint security differs from traditional strategies. It’s a much more precise tool because it looks beyond the scope of general perimeter protection. Owing to this inherent quality, it’s capable of dealing with a wide range of cyberattacks.

It can even separate critical network components and data points from the rest of the business network. This gives you extra layers of protection where they’re needed the most.  

When it comes to concrete measures, they involve:

  • Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
  • Mobile Device Management (MDM)
  • Endpoint firewalls
  • Port Control
  • Endpoint Detection and Response
  • Prediction and Event Analysis (Kernel-Level)
  • Network auditing
  • Multi-channel information navigation
  • Data loss prevention

Don’t worry in case you’re not familiar with these terms. The next section is the answer to your dilemmas and woes.

The Service Ecosystem

Big corporations build endpoint security systems in-house, but most organizations need external aid.

They rely on third-party software applications or web-delivered, cloud-based services. This is a way to overcome internal resource limitations, be it lacking expertise or money shortage.

The good news is most vendors offer solutions teeming with handy features. They are more innovative and competent than ever before, but they’re not created equal.

Thus, it’s a good idea to find a managed IT provider with an all-inclusive package.  It can evaluate the state of your current network (auditing) and pinpoint vulnerable points, such as out-of-date software. Yes, it’s possible to achieve enterprise-level security on a budget.

Just opt for an organization that hires enough experts versed in dealing with security vulnerabilities. If they have experience solving problems for companies operating your industry sector, all the better.

Finally, you should try to balance network security priorities with user experience (UX). Namely, you don’t want all the measures to get in the way of smooth customer utilization of your online assets.

Make sure the provider understands this.

Reaping the Benefits with Endpoint Security

There are many benefits associated with managed services.

First off, you’re able to reduce labor requirements. External experts handle all management activities and you don’t need extra IT staff on the payroll. For many companies, this isn’t even an option (due to budgetary constraints).

What is more, freeing up the workforce in such fashion may pay off in more than one way. For example, your existing team focuses on other tasks and duties at hand. You pursue your primary goals and streamline tasks like security updates and patches.

Furthermore, you have a direct, 24/7 line of communication with cybersecurity experts. They stand at your disposal and do their best to close identified security holes.

If you choose a provider well, you can tap into its rich pool of threat intelligence. It works miracles in terms of informing your decision-making. Never again will you have to rely on treacherous gut feeling.

As an added benefit, you make strides toward the compliance territory. This advancement spares you harsh fines and penalties that can bite off a big chunk of your budget.

So, in case you’re still lagging behind, take action sooner rather than later. Initiate a companywide IT transformation and fortify your cyberdefense perimeter.

You will maintain business continuity and lay the groundwork for rapid growth and expansion.

In the Clear

Endpoint security is an essential component in a modern cybersecurity playbook.  

On the other hand, inactivity and lackluster measures can have business-sinking consequences. It doesn’t take a seasoned cybersecurity expert to figure out which route is more prudent.

You certainly have a chance to lessen the burden on your organization and let managed security providers do all the heavy lifting.  Hiring internally is usually too costly and ultimately, unnecessary. 

So, rethink your approach to safeguarding business assets, including data. Revamp business models and strategies if need be. Plug security holes with as many layers of protection as humanly possible.

Remember the trick is to make it happen without compromising UX or network performance.Get in touch with us if you want to discuss partnership and other opportunities. Let’s make something happen.