Musk: I’d like to see a normal person in the White House

Musk says he has not endorsed any US presidential candidate yet

Twitter owner and tech mogul Elon Musk said he would like to see a “fairly normal person” in the Oval Office after the 2024 election, but has not committed himself to who that should be.

During an appearance at the Wall Street Journal CEO Council summit on Tuesday, Musk was asked about an announcement from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis about an event hosted by Twitter Spaces, scheduled for Wednesday night, during which the governor will join Musk to announce his Republican candidacy. for president.

Musk said he wasn’t planning to endorse any particular candidate but was interested in using Twitter as a kind of “town square,” a campaign event in which a candidate faces questions from voters, the newspaper reported.

The businessman and billionaire indicated that it would be preferable to have a “somewhat normal person” in the White House after the 2024 elections, according to the newspaper.

On Friday, Musk sent a tweet that appeared to show support for Senator Tim Scott, who announced on Monday his candidacy for the White House.

Scott, DeSantis, and former UN ambassador Nikki Haley will be among the main candidates who will take on former President Trump, the most likely Republican nominee, who Musk reactivated his Twitter account once he bought the company.

Trump was fired from the platform by its former leadership for repeated violations of its harmful content guidelines.

Musk has come under scrutiny for his private posts on Twitter and for forwarding the company’s business plan and content moderation policies.

And earlier this month, he named Linda Iaccarino, former chief advertising officer of NBCUniversal, as the next CEO of Twitter.


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