Designing a website can be an enjoyable and rewarding project. If you are building a website for your business, it can also be profitable. But let’s not forget that even the most attractive website is pretty useless if internet users cannot find it, or do not find it interesting. How do you avoid that happening? By using great search engine optimization (SEO) throughout your website design project.

SEO is an important part of website design and maintenance. And with a little bit of effort and creativity, you can build a wonderful website that is both attractive and user-friendly. In this post, our SEO company offers some SEO tips for website design that takes the guess work out of your digital marketing plan. 

SEO Tips for Website Design

SEO and website design go hand-in-hand. Both are important for getting your website and products or services in front of your target audience. Here are some tips for how you can do that.

Optimize Site Navigation

Your site navigation is important for your users, and for search engines. Search engines routinely crawl websites, which can identify problems that are making you not rank well in search engine results. You can optimize your site by using JavaScript, CSS, or HTML in order to help search engines crawl your site smoothly.

Use a Responsive Design

Nowadays, users rely on the internet for most anything. But they also rely heavily on mobile devices to find what they need. That means your website design needs to be responsive and useable on computers, tablets, and mobile devices. This is important for meeting your user-friendliness goals, but also for ranking. Google looks at user-friendliness and the quality of your website as much as they do content or readability.

Use a Sitemap

Create a sitemap in XML format that can be easily crawled by search engines. A sitemap helps search engines and your SEO, but also helps update information with search engines if you make changes to your site.

Use Friendly URLs

When you design your website, make sure you use friendly URLs. That means making them short and easy to read. Your URLs should also be consistent across the website.

Examples of good URL structure:


Examples of a bad URL structure:


You want your URLs to reflect the pages they target, and those should be clear.

Use Keywords

Keywords are powerful tools in SEO and web design. Keywords should make sense to your website and content. They should be used sparingly and in the right place. Using them too frequently could cause search engines like Google to rank your page as spam. 

Optimize Images

Images on your website must be optimized in order to keep your site user-friendly and SEO compliant. Your images can help your site rank higher in searches if they contain alt tags that include your keyword for that page. Your images should also be optimized to ensure they load properly and quickly. 

Put it All Together

Creating a website that is user-friendly and SEO friendly is an undertaking that requires some planning and purpose. The good news is that by marrying SEO and website design early on in your digital marketing strategies, you will have a solid foundation for your future in digital marketing.