The Best E-Commerce Platforms In 2022

What are the best e-commerce platforms in 2022? We’ve picked out some of our favorites!

The Best E-Commerce Platforms In 2021

In this blog post, we are going to talk about the best e-commerce platforms in 2022. These platforms have been chosen because of their popularity and reliability for both buyers and sellers. We hope that you will find our list useful!

The Best E-Commerce Platforms In 2022

Do you want to make money online? If so, then ecommerce platforms are the way to go. Online business starts with choosing the best platform for your needs and that’s E-commerce platform let you build a successful store without any coding skills or resources such as time or budget required because they come packaged with many features specifically designed for an online business.

There is no shortage in options when it comes ecommerce platform, but there are certain things one should look out before deciding on which network would work best: Firstly, how much experience do I have building sites/stores? Next find what services their prices include – some might be okay if not too expensive while others could cost hundreds of dollars.

Top 9 E-commerce Platforms:

  1. Wix – best ecommerce platform for small online stores.
  2. Shopify – best choice for larger companies.
  3. Bluehost + Woocommerce: best for WordPress.
  4. Squarespace – best for low budget.
  5. Square Online – best to sell without upfront fees! 
  6. BigCommerce – great functionality for online business.
  7. Volusion – best if you are looking for basic.
  8. Magento Commerce: best for advanced users.
  9. Big Cartel – best for artists without paying anything up front.


Best E-Commerce Platforms, Wix

Wix is the best e-commerce platform for small online stores. It’s easy to set up and use, which means that you can start offering your products quickly. You don’t need any coding knowledge or design expertise in order to get things rolling – it does all of that for you! Wix also offers plenty of integrations, meaning you can tie your e-commerce store in with other services that you may be using.

Starting Price: $20

Wix what we like

– Easy to set up and use.

– Plenty of integrations available for other services you may be using.

What we Dislike

– Limited to 500 products.

– NO marketing tools or ecommerce analytics available for the free version.


best e-Commerce platform Shopify

If you’re a larger business then Shopify is the best e-Commerce platform for you! It’s got loads of features and functionality to help make sure that you’re always ahead of the game. You can accept payments from all over the world, set up discount codes and deals for specific customer groups – it’s a really flexible platform that can grow with your business needs as they change!

Starting Price: $29

Shopify what we like:

– Lots of features and functionality.

What we Dislike:

– If you’re a small business it can be expensive.

Bluehost + Woocommerce

best e-Commerce platform Bluehost and Woocommerce

WooCommerce is a plugin for WordPress that turns your site into an ecommerce powerhouse. With the basic Woo Commerce Package, it’s easy to install and use- even better? The package is free! To get more out of our platform though, you’ll need some third party plugins like Payment Processing or Inventory Management – luckily we come with all these preinstalled on Bluehost so now launching your store never had been easier! Bluehost provides their own Woocommerce site which includes everything you might want in one place!

Starting Price: $12.45

Bluehost + WooCommerce what we like:

– Easy to install and use. , with instructions available.

– Free package included with Bluehost plan.

What we Dislike:

– If you’re not on a Bluehost plan, it could be expensive for hosting.


best e-commerce platform Squarespace

Squarespace is a great e-commerce platform for those who want to offer their products at the best value for money. It’s got everything you need in order to run an online store, but doesn’t cost too much either! Squarespace offers integration with other popular programs like Mailchimp and Twitter.

Starting Price: $12

Squarespace what we like:

– Easy to use.

What we Dislike:

– Limited features and functionality for ecommerce store owners who want more out of their platform.

Square Online:

best e-Commerce platform Square Online

For sellers who want to sell without charging fees, Square Online is the best e-commerce platform. Square Online offers a really slick interface with lots of features to help you sell online – it’s also responsive, meaning that your site will look great on any device!

Starting Price: Free to start

Square Online what we like:

– Slick interface.

What we Dislike:  – It’s still not free to sell online, although you’re saving by not paying Square any fees.


best e-Commerce platform BigCommerce

BigCommerce is the best e-commerce platform for those who have both an online and physical business. It is a really versatile platform that will allow you to sell your products in person as well as online, while also offering plenty of features for marketing and managing your inventory.

Starting Price: $29

BigCommerce what we like:

– Versatile platform with features for both online and physical business.

What we Dislike:  – May be expensive for many small sellers.


 e-commerce platform Volusion

Volusion has been the most popular e-commerce platform for over ten years which says something! It’s not the best e-commerce platform in any one area, but it does offer a lot of functionality across all areas.

Starting Price: $29

Volusion what we like:

– Lots of features and functionality.

What we Dislike: – It can be difficult to use if you’re not technologically savvy.

Magento Commerce (formerly Magento Community):

best e-Commerce platform Magento Commerce

This is the best e-commerce platform for those who want a more customizable eCommerce platform. Magento Commerce offers a huge range of features and functionality, meaning that you’ll be able to find what you want easily! It’s also free which is perfect for those just starting out with their eCommerce business!

Magento Commerce what we like:

– Huge range of features and functions

– Free

What we Dislike: – Difficult to use for those who aren’t technologically savvy.

Big Cartel:

best e-Commerce platform Big Cartel

Big Cartel is the best option for artists who want to sell their artwork and products online. The site offers plenty of templates so you can get your store online quickly, and they make it really easy to sell your goods without taking a cut.

Big Cartel what we like: – Easy to set up and find templates.

What we Dislike: – Not the best e-commerce platform for those who want a more sophisticated website with many features.


There you have it! There are many e-commerce platforms but these e-commerce platforms offer the best functionality and value for money. It’s worth trying them out to see which one is perfect for your needs or if there’s a better option that we haven’t listed here, let us know in the comments below!


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