Best Way To Sync Android Phone

Android-SyncIf you have been looking around quite a bit, and realized you haven’t seen anything about being able to sync an Android phone to a PC, We Have searched and we list here the best way to sync your Android Phone with your PC or Mac.

If you are looking for media sync so we recommend doubleTwist AirSync which wirelessly sync your iTunes playlists, photos and videos with your Android phone using your home Wi-Fi network.

And For everythings sync (Not Free) we will recommend to use The Missing Sync for Android From MarkSpace which allow contacts, calendars and notes in sync between your phone and computer over a WI-Fi network or via Bluetooth. Transfer playlists of music, photos, files and videos via WI-Fi, Bluetooth or using the USB cable. Create ringtones for your Android phone from your favorite music. Backup text messages and call history to your computer, too. The Missing Sync software makes it easy to use your information and media files on an Android phone – and take them wherever you go.

Connect your Android phone to your PC or Mac – HTC EVO, Motorola Droid, Google Nexus One, Samsung Moment and many Android-powered phones from Motorola, Samsung, LG and HTC. The Missing Sync for Android sync software helps you get the most from the features of your phone. This App Will Cost $39.95

Also another Companionlink provide Android Sync Software which allows you to Sync PC contacts, calendar, tasks and notes with Android phones and tablets. Two-way sync lets you update data on the PC and device


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