YouTube ads will get longer and longer and cannot be bypassed

The famous video site on YouTube announced that the ads that will appear on the site when linked to the TV will be 30 seconds long, and viewers will not be able to bypass them.

And the technical website “The Verge” stated that watching “ YouTube ” via home TV will become more frustrating if the subscriber does not pay money to avoid ads .

The 30-second ads will be placed on the most popular content on YouTube linked to the TV .

And the video site said that the audience will watch one ad for 30 seconds, instead of two consecutive ads of 15 seconds each.

Advertisers will be able to access the 30-second ads service through the YouTube Select platform, which targets the more than 5 percent of the total popular content on the site.

According to the site, 70 percent of the views of this content come by linking YouTube to the TV.

YouTube CEO Neil Mohan said that more and more viewers are turning to watch YouTube on the big screen (television)


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