She lost it in the toilet 13 years ago. An American woman gets her ring back in an incredible way

About 13 years later, an American woman managed to find her diamond-encrusted gold ring, after she was sure she would never see it again, according to the Washington Post .

Mary Strand lost their sister, who holds great moral value for her, while cleaning the toilet of her home in Rogers, Minnesota.

In a moment of bad luck, and before she realized what had happened, her precious piece fell into the toilet and disappeared with the water, which sucked it into the sewers.

Her husband, David, could not find the ring, although he had rushed to dismantle the toilet, hoping it was still nearby.

And then the duo had to seek the services of a specialized company, which searched with devices and a camera at a distance of 200 feet inside the sewers, but to no avail.

Mary, who is now 71 years old, had received that ring from her husband on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of their entry into the “golden cage”, which made her feel great sorrow for his loss.

Mary ring

However, a few weeks ago, sanitation workers while doing maintenance work in one of the city’s neighborhoods found the ring.

As a result, advertisements were published on social media to search for the owner or owner of the lost piece, and John Tierney, one of the three sanitation workers who found the ring, said in media statements that the story of the ring was a complete mystery, including the time he spent inside the sewers. City.

He continued, “This ring could have been missing decades ago, or even as recently as two weeks ago.”

Mary only learned of the story through her daughter, who told her that an announcement had spread about a missing ring, so she took the initiative to contact the officials, who asked for any evidence indicating her ownership of it.

After I sent them a picture, it was shown to two jewelry experts, who confirmed that it was identical to the ring.

And last Wednesday, Mary went with her husband, who is 75 years old, to the city council to receive the missing ring, as those moments were documented in a video broadcast later on social media, to great enthusiasm and admiration.


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