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Romance & Relations


10 Best Things About Getting A Round Brilliant Engagement Ring

Among the glittering array of choices, the round, brilliant engagement ring shines as a...

Dating a shy guy: Tips that will help you

Women tend to find shy men cute, but how...

6 Tips for Keeping Peace in the Home During a Divorce

Going through a divorce can be overwhelming for everyone...

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The 5 best ways to pick a wedding ring

Choosing a wedding ring is one of the biggest decisions you can make, after...

Top 5 Do’s & Don’ts On Valentine’s Day

No matter how hard you try to be a perfect partner for your special...

Creating an Online Dating Profile? 5 Dos and Don’ts to Remember

Finding someone new to share your life with can be a daunting experience. If...

You’re 30+ and single? Try Kismia.com. No kidding

I’m 51 years old now, in the best shape I ever was, dating the...

Best Ways to Make your Online Dating Profile Effective

The most important thing when you join any dating site is being proud, honest...

Signs your man is cheating

It’s an awful thing to consider if the person you chose to commit to is...

Best Safety Tips for Online Dating

Online dating has become the norm for many people. Bigger cities and busier lives...

What’s Wrong with Western Girls (According to Men)

What do you see in social media? American and European girls. What do you...

5 Best Ways To Create a Healthy Relationship With Your Community

With technology making it easier to communicate even with people across the globe, you...

5 Tips To Plan A Environmentally Green Wedding

As professional event planner, I'm the one who has to make sure the big...

Men’s Smell More Attractive To Women When It Includes High Levels Of Testosterones

Testosterone is one of the most important male hormones which is said to have...

5 Best Ideas For a First Date

Going on a first date can be fun, but it is often a nerve-wracking...

editors' picks

F-Secure Anti-Virus for Mac Review 2016

F-Secure Anti-Virus for Mac offers security against viruses, worms, Trojan horses and more by using a variety of strong protection technology, with real-time protection and regular updates,

5 Best Benefits of Boxing For Your Health

Most people immediately think of boxing as a combat sport where two people wearing boxing...

Why Parents Feel the Need to Monitor Their Child’s Phone?

Slowly and steadily, parents are now beginning to realize the significance that lies in using...