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A former Nashville police officer was arrested for participating in an OnlyFans video while on duty.

A former Nashville police officer has been arrested on two felony counts of official...

Video… A giraffe sticks its head into a car and picks up a baby...

A giraffe feeding experience at a wildlife center in...

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Spacing his feet to appear shorter than his real length! A video of Trudeau with...

The way the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau , stood with the President of the National...

An American airline company weighs obese passengers before allowing them to board the plane

An American airline recently asked a female passenger, who was overweight, to step onto...

Its taste makes customers cry! A cup of coffee costs $1,500 ?

The customer needs to order it two weeks in advanceAn Australian café caught the...

Elon Musk sleeps in his car before meeting Macron! The camera caught him before he...

Elon Musk jokingly said that he slept "in the car" before his meeting with...

Watch…a shark attacks a small fishing boat in America

An American fisherman, Scott Haraguchi, experienced a terrifying encounter with a massive shark during...

An American influencer who clones herself using AI will be your girlfriend for $1...

An American influencer on social media has digitally cloned herself to respond and communicate...

Did Musk marry the robot Catanella?

According to some social pioneers, the billionaire has announced that his future wife will...

A famous YouTuber faces 20 years in prison in America (video)

An American pilot could face up to 20 years in prison after it was...

A huge explosion rocks Milan, Italy. A video documents the outbreak of fire in...

A huge explosion occurred in the center of the Italian city of Milan, Thursday,...

After a similar procedure… China decides to expel a Canadian diplomat from Shanghai

China said on Tuesday it would expel the Canadian consul in Shanghai in response to...

A “historic event”… Ukraine shoots down Putin’s “unkillable” missile

Ukraine's air force said on Saturday that Ukrainian air defenses had shot down a Russian...

A video of passengers escaping on the London Underground after the fire alarm went...

Passengers were forced to jump from a subway train at Clapham Common metro station...

editors' picks

Reasons to Avoid Asking for an Extreme Discount When Hiring a Professional Photographer

It might be difficult to wrap your head around the idea of paying a professional photographer...

5 Best Magento eCommerce Extensions

Magento can be customized with a wide variety of open-source extensions. These extensions can...

Use DesignEvo to Create Your Own Logo Design

Owning a business or a product, you will think of finding a decent logo...