
Video: Trump pledges to champion Nurmagomedov to stop the war on Gaza

Yesterday, Sunday, former US President Donald Trump promised to end the war on Gaza , during a face-to-face conversation...

Trump’s Conviction in His Criminal Trial in New York

A New York jury on Thursday convicted former US...

Video He called the court via Zoom…and got into big trouble

Footage from a Michigan court hearing has gone viral,...

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A video of Biden ending his speech on weapons with the phrase “God save...

US President Joe Biden sparked confusion and controversy, yesterday, Friday, after he ended a...

More than 30 suspicious mail reach deputies and officials in the US state of...

Authorities in Kansas said that US government agencies and the FBI are investigating dozens of...

Watch… Millions of cockroaches invade a small town in Nevada, USA

Millions of Mormon cockroaches invaded a small town in the US state of Nevada, and...

American morgue director accused of selling human organs and shipping them to his clients

US police reported that the director of a morgue at Harvard Medical School sold human body parts, including...

A cyber attack targeting US government agencies

CNN revealed, on Thursday, that several government agencies in the United States were exposed to...

Video of a man in prison clothes obstructing Trump’s convoy after his trial. He...

On Tuesday,, June 13, 2023, the American police arrested a demonstrator, dressed in a...

Security alert in Miami ahead of Trump’s “most serious judicial confrontation” The police are...

On Tuesday, June 13, 2023, the American city of Miami witnessed a state of...

The first case of its kind … Americans are suing their state over climate...

On Monday, 16 youths from Montana will begin the first-ever climate change trial in...

A video of huge swarms of bees invading the sky of an American city…...

According to the American ABC network, there was a heavy invasion of bee swarms...

America.. A firefighter drowns while trying to save his daughter at sea

An American firefighter drowned while trying to save his daughter at sea off the...

A GPS error led him to prison! An American smuggler arrives at the border police...

A GPS error led to an American driver accidentally arriving at the Canadian border, where he...

A former US intelligence official reveals evidence of alien space objects in the possession...

The British newspaper The Guardian said that a former intelligence official specializing in the...

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How to make IKEA furniture stand out?

How to make IKEA furniture stand out?IKEA introduces 2000 products into the range globally...

What Techniques helped Scientists Determine the Appearance of Dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs are an integral part of Earth's history. And although our knowledge about them is still...

Best YouTube Video Downloader for PC and MacOS – Televzr

If you are tired and annoyed of loading your favorite music video on YouTube...