
Video: Trump pledges to champion Nurmagomedov to stop the war on Gaza

Yesterday, Sunday, former US President Donald Trump promised to end the war on Gaza , during a face-to-face conversation...

Trump’s Conviction in His Criminal Trial in New York

A New York jury on Thursday convicted former US...

Video He called the court via Zoom…and got into big trouble

Footage from a Michigan court hearing has gone viral,...

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Canada’s fires pollute the air in American cities, and millions of people face poor...

On Tuesday, a vast area of the eastern United States experienced poor air quality...

Naive behavior revealed his identity .. Watch what this thief did in Miami?

The greed that dominated one of the thieves and the foolishness of his behavior...

The passengers of a private plane that crashed in Virginia were killed

Today, Monday, US authorities confirmed that the four passengers on a private plane that...

Pence is planning to run for the White House and will be competing against...

Former US Vice President Mike Pence will announce, next Wednesday, his candidacy for the...

YouTube has updated their policy and will now permit the posting of content that...

On Friday, YouTube announced that it will update its policy to permit content that...

Watch.. Biden stumbles and falls to the ground during a graduation ceremony in the...

Yesterday, President Joe Biden fell after delivering the final certificate at a graduation ceremony...

An American plan to provide all new cars with “automatic brake systems”

According to a report by The New York Times, US authorities are planning to...

Thousands of people are visiting an American city to see the body of a...

Over the weekend, a large number of people visited a small Missouri town to...

How much is the US citizen’s share of national debt?

It is enough to be born an American citizen to bear before doing anything...

Video .. A bus driver and a passenger open fire on each other after...

Transportation authorities said, in Charlotte, North Carolina, that a bus driver and two passengers...

Raising the US debt ceiling… the most important provision of the agreement before the...

US President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced, Saturday, that they had...

Musk: I’d like to see a normal person in the White House

Twitter owner and tech mogul Elon Musk said he would like to see a...

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What are The Requirements For Choosing a Good Custom Bobblehead Dolls

Bobblehead dolls are a great addition to any bookshelf, desk, or at any place...

Reducing Distractions: A Comprehensive Look at Commercial HVAC Noise Management

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, where every moment holds significance, the importance...

6 Tips for Avoiding Motion Sickness (Mal de Debarquement Syndrome)

Do you get motion sickness while on a cruise or while trying to read...