Goodbye Walter White. “Breaking Bad” star Bryan Cranston retires from acting and devotes himself to his family

After a successful 40-year artistic career that involved acting, writing, and production of dozens of artworks, Bryan Cranston has unexpectedly announced that he plans to retire and step out of the spotlight by 2026.

In a recent interview with “GQ” magazine, Cranston announced his retirement. He is best known for his role as Walter White in the series “Breaking Bad“. He explained that he wants to spend more time with his family, particularly his wife Robin, who has been with him for nearly 25 years and supported him behind the scenes.

As faced various challenges, she adapted her life to accommodate Cranston’s work demands and supported him to achieve many successes. Now, Cranston wants to return the favor and spend time with her to balance out their relationship.

Do not read texts after today

Although Cranston’s fans were disappointed, his gradual distancing from the industry lessened the impact. Cranston stated that he still needs to complete his ongoing projects, both in terms of acting and production, before shutting down his production company and selling his share in Dos Hombres, an investment he co-founded with Aaron Paul.

He plans to move to a small village in France with his wife for at least six months after completing the task. He aims to enjoy time with his wife, learn new skills like cooking, gardening, and the French language, and continue reading and learning about life.

Who is Bryan Cranston?

Cranston’s passion for acting started when he was young because his mother was a radio actress, and his father was an actor and producer who had bigger ambitions than his talent could support. This led to difficulties in their relationship, and their separation put Cranston in a tough spot. It took him several years to recover from the crisis.

At the age of sixteen, he had the goal of becoming a policeman and therefore planned to pursue a political science degree. However, he needed a job to support himself during high school, so he ended up turning to acting and working in the theater.

After completing high school in 1976, he went on a two-year trip with his brother. After that, they both moved to California to pursue acting careers. Although his father did not do the same, Cranston took advantage of every opportunity that came his way, including small roles in TV shows and commercials.

The first path to Fame

Cranston started acting in 1980 and appeared in some episodes of “Seinfeld”, but he didn’t become famous until “Malcolm in the Middle”, an American comedy series that debuted in 2000 and ran for seven seasons until 2006. The show won seven Emmy Awards.

Cranston played the role of a father in a middle-class family with a wife and five children. One of his children is exceptionally intelligent compared to the rest of the family, leading to humorous situations and unforeseen escapades.

The Legend of Walter White

The actor’s biggest breakthrough came from his role as Walter White in the TV series “Breaking Bad.” The character was a chemistry teacher diagnosed with lung cancer, who breaks bad and starts cooking meth to provide for his family after he dies.

The series was aired from 2008 to 2013 and received a rating of 9.5 on the “IMDb” art site by the viewers. Bryan Cranston, who played the lead role, won 4 awards for Best Lead Actor in a Drama Series.

Due to his great success, Hollywood welcomed Cranston with open arms and he went on to star in successful films that have immortalized his name in cinema history. These films include the biopic “Trumbo,” for which he received an Oscar nomination for Best Actor, the thriller “Argo,” based on a true story, and the comedy-drama “The Upside.”

Cranston’s last TV show was “Your Honor”, a crime and thriller drama consisting of two seasons that aired between 2020 and 2023. The show was nominated for the British BAFTA Award.

The series follows a judge who has a record of upholding justice, even when faced with difficult choices. However, his situation becomes complicated when his son commits a murder and goes on the run. The judge must decide whether to prioritize his son’s safety or continue his pursuit of justice.

Cranston acted in the upcoming movie “Asteroid City,” which was directed and written by Wes Anderson and will be released this month. The movie also features Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Margot Robbie, Tilda Swinton, Edward Norton, Adrien Brody, William Dafoe, and Steve Carell.

The story is set in a made-up desert city in America in the year 1955. The characters are faced with an unexpected event that alters their lives and their course of action becomes uncertain.


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