Stallone on rivalry with Arnold: ‘You were the strongest and the best’

American action movie star Sylvester Stallone recalled his rivalry with major stars of the eighties and nineties of the last century, such as Jean-Claude Van Damme and Steven Seagal, considering that Arnold Schwarzenegger was the strongest and best of all.

This came in the context of the episodes of the 3-part documentary series “Arnold”, which “Netflix” began showing on June 7, during which it reviews the many aspects of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s life and career, from a bodybuilding champion and an icon in Hollywood to a prominent politician on the American scene.


 On the other hand, Schwarzenegger responded to Stallone during the episode of the series “Arnold”, He credited Sylvester Stallone for his success in the film industry. He said that if Stallone hadn’t been there to create competition, he may not have continued in his career or may have directed his skills toward a different type of film. He also said that Stallone’s presence ignited a sense of competitiveness in him, according to a documentary reported by “Deadline”.


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